Voices from the Dark

A podcasting platform for writers and artists

E28: Voices from the Dark Specials #2, Featuring Sgambetto

In this episode I have the extreme pleasure to converse with the enigmatic host of the Sgambetto radio show, Emanuele (Emanuello, Manuelo etc.), who also happens to be the proprietor of the local Neukoelln bar, LaBettolab.

Special thanks as usual to RBL Berlin. This is the last episode of the Voices from the Dark–RBL Berlin 2018 collaboration. It’s been a great ride! The adventure will continue…

In addition to providing some news on upcoming shows and projects for Voices from the Dark, I speak with Signore Sgambetto about his plans for the new year, what his bar and his radio show are all about, and our planned collaboration. He shares details on how his show is a combination of his personal imagination, his inner life and his outlook on the world. We also discuss the importance of dialects in poetry, the power of spontaneity and the living experimental art space that is LaBettolab.

Listen now:


Click here to download Episode 28

Thanks for listening!



Originally recorded and aired live on RBL Berlin, Sunday, November 18th at LaBettolab in Neukoelln, Berlin.