Voices from the Dark

A podcasting platform for writers and artists

E13: Artists #9, Featuring Anton Egorov

Voices from the Dark Logo sound wave design

This episode features the ninth installment of the Voices from the Dark Artists series, where I speak with Anton Egorov, a Berlin-based artist and writer with many projects underway. We talk about what it means for him to be an artist, the importance of having supportive family and friends and parties… (FYI: not cocaine parties!)

Some announcements:

  • I invite all listeners to tweet examples of the fallacies discussed in previous episodes (see Episode 12) which include the Fallacy of the Horns, the Red Herring, and Fake Precision
  • All listeners and previous guests are invited to the Voices from the Dark Dirty Dozen party, which will occur on the ides of September at a location to be determined
  • As usual, I need all the help I can get, so get in touch if you want to produce.


Click here to download Episode 13

Thanks for listening!