Voices from the Dark

A podcasting platform for writers and artists

E24: Artists #15, Featuring Giulia and Giacomo (Voices from the Dark Six-Month Anniversary Special)

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Happy Six-Month Anniversary!

In this episode, I go a bit off format and do the show without a previously arranged guest. Luckily, the gracious and nimble Giacomo and Giulia were there to revel in this milestone 24th episode of Voices from the Dark with me. It’s been six months and 24 episodes of Voices from the Dark, and I couldn’t be happier. I have learned a lot, feel like I am getting better at it and have met amazing people on the way. Thanks for being on this journey with me!

Giacomo and Giulia, both RBL Berlin members and artists, were having a fine Sunday afternoon at LaBettolab when I showed up. I had just seen Dave Chappelle on the Friday prior and was still charged and feeling surreal. I had also just realized that the podcast is now six months old. On top of that, I had no guest prepared and nothing to share in particular, the result of which was an impromptu three-way interview for the Voices from the Dark Artists series. This episode of Artists is the first time that I had two guests on simultaneously, and now I know that I really love that format. For me, it was an amazing experience.

We talk about the quality of greatness in art, in other words, what is required to make great art or do great work? We also asked, should we even care about being great? Or should we simply do what we love as best we can? We talked about the adrenaline rush of being under pressure to create something or performing in front of an audience. Both Giulia and Giacomo have a lot a amazing things going on. Check out Giacomo on his radio show 87.90 and Giulia at Juice Head. Enjoy!

Listen now:

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Click here to download Episode 24

Thanks for listening!



Originally aired live on RBL Berlin, Sunday, October 28th at LaBettolab in Neukoelln, Berlin.